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  • By Admin
  • 19 May, 2017
Neurology, or the brain and nervous system functions, controls so much of the body’s processes, so when referred to a neurologist we rightly become concerned. Central Neurology, P.L. sees people every day for neurological testing, diagnosis, and treatment, who are nervous in the beginning. Amazing strides have been accomplished in neurology and there are many answers as well as treatments available today, that were shrouded in mystery only a few years ago.

When Should I See a Neurologist?
Always gain a referral through your general practitioner for a visit to a trusted neurologist within your healthcare network. Some indications that a neurologist is needed include:
  • Shaking
  • Concussion
  • Confusion
  • Dementia and Memory Loss
  • Dizziness
  • Double Vision
  • Fainting and Collapsing
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Movement Disorders
  • Neck Pain
  • Paralysis
  • Seizures
  • Vertigo
  • Vision Loss

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your doctor for an examination and referral to Central Neurology, P.L. as soon as possible. These symptoms could indicate very serious underlying conditions of the brain and nervous system that require medical attention. Our office looks forward to serving you. Please contact us at your earliest convenience for more information or an appointment.
By Admin 22 Jan, 2018
Migraines are one of the most common complaints that adults seek medical treatment for. Nearly 12 percent of the population has migraines, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Each year there are more than 1.2 million emergency room visits for migraines and related head pain.

Unlike the headache that you might get after a stressful day or from looking at your computer screen for too long, migraines can seriously impact your daily life - and for more than a few hours every once in a while. Over 90 percent of people who have migraines find that they're unable to work or carry on with their day normally when they have the severe headaches.

If you have migraines, you don't have to suffer in silence. The first step in getting help is understanding the problem. Learning about migraines, what causes them and what you can do about them is just the beginning. When you know what you're up against, and you know what the treatments are, you can start finding relief.

Signs and Symptoms
Not all headaches are migraines. Migraines are severe and often focused on one side of the head, can include sensitivity to light or sound, and may come with a bought of nausea (or even vomiting). Auras, which are seeing light flashes, shimmering lights, or blind spots, can also accompany migraines.

Keep in mind, not every migraine sufferer experiences each sign and symptom. For example, less than onethird of people who have migraines also have auras. During the diagnosis process, the doctor will evaluate all of your symptoms together.

Tests and Evaluations
Only a licensed medical provider can diagnose and treat migraines. Even though you can spot some of the symptoms yourself, leave it to the pros to make the true diagnosis.

During your doctor's visit, the medical provider will take a full medical history. You'll need to provide information about your headache symptoms, how often you have headaches, where your head hurts, what happens before and during your headaches, other physical symptoms, lifestyle habits (such as smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity), and your family's medical history.

The doctor will also give you a medical exam, including a neurological test. Depending on your symptoms and the medical provider's decision-making process, you may need diagnostic testing such as an MRI.

Triggers and Treatment
If the doctor does diagnose you with a migraine, you have plenty of treatment options. Not every type of treatment works for every migraine sufferer. In some cases, avoiding a trigger (something that sets off the headache) may stop the migraines from happening. Triggers can include stress, lack of sleep, changes in activities or routine, hormonal changes (in women), or foods or drinks.

You may need to track what you do, eat, and feel before a migraine to figure out what's triggering it. Different people have different triggers. You might find that your headaches start after extreme stress while you're spouse only gets them after eating chocolate. The trigger isn't the same thing as a cause. Even though it can set off the headache, it doesn't cause you to have it.

If avoiding your triggers isn't possible or doesn't do the trick, your doctor can still provide you with help. This includes a variety of medication-related treatments as well as those that don't involve a prescription. Medications include preventive prescription drugs that are taken daily to stop the headaches before they start as well as treatments for the headache after it begins.

Some migraine sufferers also find relief through physical activity, massage, or acupuncture. These can be used alone or in combination with medical interventions to achieve results.

Do you have migraines? Contact Central Neurology  for help
By Admin 04 Dec, 2017
No matter what type of seizure you had leading up to your epilepsy diagnosis, it was certainly a frightening experience that left you reeling.

Epilepsy isn't a diagnosis that anyone wants to receive, and since it's a neural disorder rooted in the brain's electrical signals, it's potentially much harder to understand than diagnoses like diabetes or heart disease. Epilepsy is also difficult to understand because it takes many forms which manifest themselves in different types of seizures.

If you're feeling frightened by your diagnosis or confused about why your recent seizure happened, we're here to make things easier on you by explaining some of the main types of seizures and why they happen. Hopefully, reading this information — along with discussing your diagnosis with your neurologist — will make your seizures feel a little less confusing and a lot more manageable.

1. Generalized Onset Seizures
The International League Against Epilepsy, the most prominent epilepsy research group, categorizes seizures based on three criteria: where a seizure begins in the brain, how aware the victim remains during the seizure, and whether or not the person moves during the seizure.
As the name implies, generalized seizures aren't localized to one specific point in the brain — they originate across and impact the entire brain, not just one hemisphere.

Generalized onset seizures can either cause you to move or to go completely rigid during the seizure. A generalized motor seizure, for instance, causes you to jerk about and your muscles to go stiff. In contrast, in a generalized non-motor seizure, you might repeat a small motion over and over while your eyes go unfocused.

2. Focal Onset Seizures
Unlike generalized onset seizures, focal onset seizures originate from one main point in the brain. Because of how these seizures start, you can either remain aware of what's happening to you and of your surroundings during the seizure, or you may become disoriented and lose track of what's going on.

If during your seizure you experienced odd flickers or waves of emotion along with physical symptoms like a rapidly beating heart, you probably experienced a focal onset seizure, not a generalized onset seizure.

3. Unknown Onset Seizures
Sometimes, a seizure is diagnosed as unknown because it happened while you were alone. No one was there to see and describe the symptoms that would help a specialist correctly diagnose the type of seizure you experienced. Usually, once a neurologist has had time to observe you, they can categorize the seizure as either focal or generalized.

Why Does Knowing the Type of Seizure You Had Matter?
Knowing the type of seizure you had will go a long way towards helping your doctor prescribe the right treatment. For instance, generalized onset seizures can be easier to treat with certain medications, while focal onset seizures could require surgery, depending on where in the brain they happen.

If you and your doctor don't know what type of seizure you had, you could undergo an observation period or complete a CT scan or MRI to help your doctor see where seizures could originate.

What Steps Should You Take Next?
Understanding what type of seizure happened to you is crucial, but the only person who can help you treat the condition is a qualified medical professional. If you haven't done so yet, it's time to book an appointment with a neurologist who can give you an official epilepsy diagnosis. Plus, as discussed above, your neurologist is qualified to both diagnose your condition and prescribe treatments specific to your body and type of epilepsy.
Do you live near St. Petersburg, FL? Central Neurology, P.L., is here for you. Schedule an appointment today  to talk to an experienced neurologist about your epilepsy and get the support, understanding, and treatment you need
By Admin 27 Sep, 2017

Xadago (safinamide) was approved for the use of treatment in Parkinson’s disease as an add-on therapy with Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in early 2017 and became commercially available in July 2017.

 The drug’s mechanism of action is a monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitor that works by blocking the breakdown of levodopa in the brain, thus increasing its availability. The drug was designed to be used in patients already taking carbidopa-levodopa and who are experiencing “off” times. “Off” times are described as periods when Parkinson symptoms are worse including increased tremors, slowness of movement or stiffness.

The studies found that patients who used this medication in combination with carbidopa-levodopa experienced increased “on” time without bothersome dyskinesia. The drug is a once daily formula and starts at 50 mg for the first 2 weeks and is increased to 100 mg thereafter.

Contact the specialists at Central Neurology, P.L.  for a consultation. They focus on a variety of neurological conditions, including treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Contributed by Heather A. Herrema, D.O .

By Admin 22 Sep, 2017
When you have diabetes, you must watch your condition carefully to avoid complications of the disease. Diabetes not only affects your blood sugar, but also affects other bodily functions. One serious possible complication is diabetic neuropathy. This complication happens when blood sugar remains high for prolonged periods and causes damage to the nerves.

There are several types of diabetic neuropathy and all of them can significantly impact your life. Here is more information on the condition and how to manage it so that it doesn't become disabling.

Types of Diabetic Neuropathy
Because there are several types of nerve fibers in the body, there are different types of diabetic neuropathy. Four types have been identified and they each affect different functions of the body. Knowing which kind you have is helpful for effective treatment.

Peripheral Neuropathy
This common type of neuropathy affects the areas the furthest from the brain and spinal cord, namely the long nerves hands and the feet. This means you may experience pain while walking, numbness or sores and infections that heal slowly or not at all. You could even get sores and injuries without realizing it which makes infections much more likely to happen.

Autonomic Neuropathy
This type of neuropathy affects your internal autonomic functions such as your digestion, your heart beating and your lungs ability to breathe properly.

Symptoms of this condition include incontinence, problems with sweating too little or too much and difficulties with your heart rate. This condition may make it difficult to enjoy your favorite meal or do your favorite exercise.

Proximal Neuropathy
While peripheral neuropathy affects the nerves furthest from the brain and spinal column, proximal neuropathy affects nerves closer to the end of the spine such as the hips, upper legs and lower back.

Many people dismiss this problem as sciatica, but it's a bit more complicated. Proximal neuropathy can cause muscle weakness and affect your ability to stand or walk. Fortunately, this condition can get better with rest and the proper treatment.

Focal Neuropathy
This type of neuropathy covers any other types not mentioned above. Mainly, focal neuropathy affects one specific nerve in one part of the body. Examples include pain and weakness around the eyes, the wrist or lower back. Focal neuropathy can get worse over time and is debilitating if not treated early.

Diagnosing Diabetic Neuropathy
Diagnosing diabetic neuropathy involves several neurological tests such as testing the speed of nerve signals as well as the amount of electrical signals in your muscles. Doctors will also want to thoroughly check your feet, which you should do at least every year with your usual physical. They will look for nerve reactions as well as check for sores and infections.

Prevention and Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy
The best way to prevent diabetic neuropathy is to control your blood sugar levels as best as possible. Certain medications can help you manage your blood sugar level or control your pain. Your doctor may also prescribe other medication related to treating your nerves specifically.

Supplements such as vitamin B as well as exercise can help reduce the symptoms. Heating and cooling packs can also help, but since this condition causes nerve damage, you might not be able to feel if it's too hot and cold, so take precautions with using them.

Diabetes can have serious and unexpected complications when it comes to your nervous system. At first, you may think this is a passing problem, but if you talk to your doctor as soon as you notice the symptoms, then these problems will likely have only minor consequences.

In addition to talking to your general practitioner, if you think you might be suffering from diabetic neuropathy, then see the specialists at Central Neurology, P.L.  for a consultation. They focus on a variety of neurological conditions, including diabetic neuropathy.
By Admin 06 Sep, 2017
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by the loss of dopamine producing cells in an area in the brain called the Substantia Nigra. The cause of this cell death is unclear but thought to be related to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Parkinson’s disease presents with a host of motor and non- motor symptoms. The motor symptoms are defined by tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement and postural instability. The non-motor symptoms can include symptoms of constipation, anxiety, depression, memory loss, fatigue and loss of smell. At this time, there is no known approved cure for Parkinson’s disease but there are several medications that are approved to treat the symptoms and improve quality of life. Additionally there has been extensive research into the impact that exercise can have on those suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The studies suggest that patients who have this condition and exercise regularly do better long term and that exercise may have a role in slowing the progression of the disease.
By Admin 24 Jul, 2017

Forgetfulness can strike just about anyone at any age, and is often attributable to a common and relatively harmless cause. From changes in sleeping habits to certain types of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, periodic and minor memory lapses can be perfectly normal.

However, if you've noticed your forgetful moments ramping up in frequency, or if you've had other physical indicators that something's not quite right, like a few back-to-back fender benders after decades of perfect driving, a foggy or concussed feeling when you wake up in the morning or a change in appetite or energy level, you may be dealing with a more serious ailment that could require medical intervention.

While "dementia" can be a scary word, it doesn't need to be a death sentence for your memory. Many types of dementia are easily treatable with medication and lifestyle changes, and sometimes, any memory loss you've already experienced may even be reversible.

Read on to learn more about some of the most common forms of dementia, as well as what you can do to seek treatment and slow the progression of this frustrating but often manageable condition.

Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)

If you've been reading medical journals and wondering why there are so many references to the initials you know as "little black dress," you've likely been learning more about Lewy Body Dementia.

This category of dementia, which includes conditions like Parkinson's disease, is characterized by the presence of "lewy bodies," or a special type of protein, in the brain.

LBD can often manifest in those deemed "too young" for dementia but who have suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI), like football players, military veterans or motorcycle accident victims. Often, the symptoms of LBD may take years or even decades to manifest, making it difficult to pinpoint the precise cause.

LBD differs from other types of dementia, including Alzheimer's, and proper diagnosis is crucial to treatment. There are certain medications that can be quite effective for those dealing with LBD, while other medications that are commonly prescribed for those with Alzheimer's or more generalized dementia may result in harmful interactions and side effects for those with LBD.

Some signs of LBD can include:

•    Tremors or other difficulties in movement
•    Unpredictable levels of cognitive ability or alertness
•    Visual hallucinations
•    Changes in your sleep cycle, including more vivid dreams
•    Trouble with complex mental activities

If you've noticed more than one of these symptoms over the past few months, it may be worthwhile to make an appointment with a neurologist  to check out your symptoms and see what could be the cause.

Non-Lewy Body Dementia

Dementia that's non-LBD in nature can be tougher to diagnose at an early stage due to the absence of lewy bodies in the brain. Non-LBD types of dementia can include vascular dementia, often caused by mini-strokes that otherwise go undetected, as well as Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia (FTD).

Vascular dementia can often manifest itself in inappropriate or uncharacteristic behaviors, like unprompted emotional outbursts or reckless spending. Often, your family members may be the first to point out these changes, as they can accrue so slowly (much like the mini-strokes that cause them) that they go unnoticed by others.

Treating the problems that led to the mini-strokes, like beginning a blood thinner regimen or stopping smoking, can be enough to help restore blood flow to the affected areas of the brain.

FTD is marked by degradation in the frontotemporal lobe of the brain, and may manifest itself in depression-like symptoms. Those suffering from FTD may no longer find joy in their normal activities, may put grooming and other personal care to the back burner, and may become much more reclusive than normal.

Like vascular dementia, FTD can be treated when caught at an early stage and before much damage has taken place.

If any of these symptoms sound a warning bell for you, it's imperative to have a full neurological workup as quickly as possible. Although the thought of being diagnosed with dementia can be incredibly frightening, this diagnosis is the sole thing that can set you on the path to treatment.

By Admin 03 Jan, 2017
Neuropsychological testing is a non-invasive set of test measures that assess a wide range of verbal, nonverbal, memory and processing speed abilities. During the testing, the Clinical Neuropsychologist carefully explains each task to the patient, such as paper-and-pencil writing and copying measures, solving block designs and picture puzzles, story memory and basic reading, spelling and math calculation.
The neuropsychological evaluation also includes a clinical interview with the patient about personal, family, medical and mental health history and the patient’s level of awareness of any deficits or daily life difficulties with memory and thinking. The evaluation concludes with an oral presentation of the examination findings and preparation of a detailed written report of test results and recommendations provided to the referring neurologist for a follow-up patient visit.
By Admin 23 Nov, 2016

Migraines are one of the most common complaints that adults seek medical treatment for. Nearly 12 percent of the population has migraines, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Each year there are more than 1.2 million emergency room visits for migraines and related head pain.

Unlike the headache that you might get after a stressful day or from looking at your computer screen for too long, migraines can seriously impact your daily life - and for more than a few hours every once in a while. Over 90 percent of people who have migraines find that they're unable to work or carry on with their day normally when they have the severe headaches.

If you have migraines, you don't have to suffer in silence. The first step in getting help is understanding the problem. Learning about migraines, what causes them and what you can do about them is just the beginning. When you know what you're up against, and you know what the treatments are, you can start finding relief.

Signs and Symptoms

Not all headaches are migraines. Migraines are severe and often focused on one side of the head, can include sensitivity to light or sound, and may come with a bought of nausea (or even vomiting). Auras, which are seeing light flashes, shimmering lights, or blind spots, can also accompany migraines.

Keep in mind, not every migraine sufferer experiences each sign and symptom. For example, less than onethird of people who have migraines also have auras. During the diagnosis process, the doctor will evaluate all of your symptoms together.

Tests and Evaluations

Only a licensed medical provider can diagnose and treat migraines. Even though you can spot some of the symptoms yourself, leave it to the pros to make the true diagnosis.

During your doctor's visit, the medical provider will take a full medical history. You'll need to provide information about your headache symptoms, how often you have headaches, where your head hurts, what happens before and during your headaches, other physical symptoms, lifestyle habits (such as smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity), and your family's medical history.

The doctor will also give you a medical exam, including a neurological test. Depending on your symptoms and the medical provider's decision-making process, you may need diagnostic testing such as an MRI.

Triggers and Treatment

If the doctor does diagnose you with a migraine, you have plenty of treatment options. Not every type of treatment works for every migraine sufferer. In some cases, avoiding a trigger (something that sets off the headache) may stop the migraines from happening. Triggers can include stress, lack of sleep, changes in activities or routine, hormonal changes (in women), or foods or drinks.

You may need to track what you do, eat, and feel before a migraine to figure out what's triggering it. Different people have different triggers. You might find that your headaches start after extreme stress while you're spouse only gets them after eating chocolate. The trigger isn't the same thing as a cause. Even though it can set off the headache, it doesn't cause you to have it.

If avoiding your triggers isn't possible or doesn't do the trick, your doctor can still provide you with help. This includes a variety of medication-related treatments as well as those that don't involve a prescription. Medications include preventive prescription drugs that are taken daily to stop the headaches before they start as well as treatments for the headache after it begins.

Some migraine sufferers also find relief through physical activity, massage, or acupuncture. These can be used alone or in combination with medical interventions to achieve results.

Do you have migraines? Contact Central Neurology  for help.

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